Barcelona Customize your 4-hours private tour with a local guide


Explore Barcelona alongside a local guide ! Let him (or her) show you all there is to know about the city, the iconic places and the history but also some nice places to eat, go shopping and much more during this personalized and private 4-hours visit.


This tour is private and not shared with other people !

The contact with the guide will be via our internal chat before your arrival so you can customize your program according to your wishes. Our local guides will be happy to suggest you some key places in the city to visit but you can also ask to discover some off the beaten track areas.

When you are in contact with your guide, choose a meeting place (at your hotel or elsewhere) and enjoy your visit with complete peace of mind. The local guide will be happy to meet you directly there and start the tour.

The tours are totally private and are not shared with anyone other than you.

N.B : If you want several days or half-days just add this tour or another one of thelist directly in your cart. For groups of more than 10 people, please contact us for a personalized quote

Means of transport :

The tours are usually done on foot and/or using public transportation. Depending on your wishes you can also use taxis (or any other mode of transportation) to move around during the visits, the guides are also here to organize the logistics.

If the "Guide with car" option is available then you can choose this option for a tour of the city with private vehicle.

If the "Bike Tour" option is available then you can choose this option to do this tour with a bike, the price of bike rental is included in the option.


Not included

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How it works ?

We are concerned about making your browsing as easy as possible and we put emphasize on the transparency of our offer. Our service is really easy to use.

1 - Select your destination and book your tour

2 - You can check the status of your reservation via the "My reservations" section

3 - Chat and personalize your visit with your local guide via chat

4 - Enjoy the tour of your choice with your local guide !

What's our users says

Bianca Molina-Ruiz about his trip in Barcelona

Hicimos el tour con Carolina. Creo que no podríamos haber tenido mejor guía. Aprendimos mucho sobre historia y cada parte del paseo cobró mucho sentido con su relato. Súper recomendado.

Helene Janvion about his trip in Barcelona

Excellent tour, rien à redire, vraiment, un service très pro et très cool à la fois. les explications sont complètes, mais aussi drôles, divertissantes. Un grand pro, qui assure la sécurité, la liberté de choix, franchement...c'était mon tour à vélo préféré, et j'en ai fait beaucoup à travers les capitales européennes. A recommander sans hésitation, chaque euro dépensé en vaut largement la peine. Gracias Mathieu!

Sarah Bouhadjar about his trip in Barcelona

Super découverte du quartier Gotico à Barcelone avec Valérie ! Elle exerce son métier avec passion et nous la communique. Ce fut très agréable de passer ces 4 heures en sa compagnie, nous n’avons pas vu le temps passé ! Très belle expérience... FINDMYGUIDES❤️

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Guydeez Ltd.
Carrer de Balmes 152, 7-1
08008 Barcelona

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